Polio: polio vaccination

In this viral disease, in addition to "silent" and less severe courses of the disease, we know of courses with many complications, which are accompanied by severe paralysis and often mean permanent damage for those affected. There is no causal treatment for the disease that has broken out. Worldwide eradication of polio has also [...]

Tetanus: tetanus vaccination

The causative agent of tetanus is found everywhere in our country. In all injuries, including after medical procedures (e.g., punctures, endoscopic procedures), the pathogens can enter the wound and multiply under special conditions. They form a nerve toxin, which then triggers the severe symptoms of the disease (extremely painful muscle spasms). Even today, tetanus [...]

Diphtheria vaccination

Diphtheria is one of the rare diseases in our country and is caused by the poison (toxin) of the diphtheria bacterium. If the vaccination coverage of the population is inadequate, a clustered occurrence is again possible in our country. The disease, which is mainly transmitted by droplet infection, often takes a severe, sometimes life-threatening [...]

Whooping cough vaccination

This bacterial infectious disease is very contagious. The number of cases and the age of those who fall ill is strongly dependent on the vaccination coverage rate. Concomitant pneumonia caused by other pathogens, seizures, and brain involvement, which often leave permanent damage, should be emphasized as complications of pertussis. Vaccination not only protects the [...]

Rubella vaccination

The main purpose of rubella vaccination is to prevent rubella disease from occurring during pregnancy. If unprotected pregnant women contract rubella, there is a great risk that the newborn child will also become ill. Severe malformations of the child's brain, eyes or heart are then often the result. Vaccination for boys is also recommended [...]

Measles vaccination

Measles is highly contagious. The measles virus infection regularly leaves a temporary weakening of the body's defenses, during which other bacterial infections, middle ear infections and diarrhea occur. Another complication is encephalitis, which even today has a high mortality and defect healing rate. Malignant encephalitis, which occurs years later but is very rare, is [...]

Varicella: Chickenpox vaccination

Varicella is widespread worldwide. In Germany, about 700,000 diseases per year are assumed. Chickenpox is extremely contagious and is an initial infection with varicella-zoster virus. Transmission occurs via droplets containing the virus, which are excreted when breathing or coughing. Furthermore, transmission through virus-containing vesicle contents or crusts as smear infection is also possible. Contagiousness [...]

Mumps vaccination

Mumps is usually a benign disease. This vaccination is recommended because of the rare but severe complications and permanent damage, such as encephalitis, permanent hearing damage, sterility (in case of infection of the testis), and the possibility of completely eradicating the natural disease. Vaccination: live vaccine (= attenuated mumps virus), preferably in combination as [...]

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