Sports and COVID-19

RTP “Return to play

Sport is an important part of life for many, for some rather play, for others the basis of life.

The 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) has had unprecedented impact on physical activity and sports, affecting professional, and recreational athletes. Sports participation was largely restricted in 2020 to reduce the spread of viruses.

Disease due to COVID-19 can cause a number of medical complications with possible mid- and long-term consequences. The infection can affect all organ systems. In addition to severe long-term consequences such as long or post-COVID syndromes, heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis) and damage to the lungs play a major role. Normally, these are temporary complaints, which can, however, become a problem with corresponding consequential damage, particularly in the case of greater physical strain. For athletes preparing to return to sport, aftereffects of the illness can make a return to sport or activity difficult. Exposure performed too early and too intense can leave adverse health consequences.

During the sports medical examination after a Covid19 illness, we clarify whether and to what extent it is possible and safe for you to return to athletic exertion or whether further internal clarification should take place to bring you safely “back into the game”.

We cooperate with physicians from other specialties (e.g. cardiology, pulmonology, radiology, infectiology), where further examinations are performed if necessary.

Please also note that if the patient is free of symptoms, services must be covered by the patients themselves and not by statutory health insurance. In individual cases, individual contents of the examination can be combined with the preventive examinations of the statutory health insurance.

Privately insured patients receive an invoice according to the GOÄ (scale of fees for physicians).

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